statement from Anne Speakman

The following statement from Anne Speakman was originally posted in a comments section on  on March 17, 2010 (6:10 PM).  link

I have known Terra since she started TEARS, there was no one else to call after hours no one to take care of injured animals after 5. All of the law enforcement agencies called her to help, and she never said no. It is too bad all of the vultures who have come in to pick over the remains of TEARS should have helped long ago. She has worked endless hours spent money that her Mother left her when she died, done without for years and spent it on the animals. I also experienced attack by well intentioned people who had no idea of the reason for the Humane Society. Our purpose was to prevent suffering. By what ever means was necessary. Yes we did something wrong. Mistakes were made at Shelby Co. and now they do a good job with the cute adoptable animals but what of the abandoned animals starving on the side of the road or in someones back yard on a 3 foot chain grown into its neck. Horses starving. The BHS helped pass a law that exempted livestock from the cruelty laws, what is this about, Many years ago a wonderful lady with the Humane Society told me “it was much better to get on the inside and help, than to stand on the outside and throw rocks. Why don’t all of the do gooders do something to help Terra and the animals instead of persecuting her. I know dogs have been mistreated at Animals control over the years, it is better now. BHS also had their problems. I hope they have been solved their problems. New buildings and spay neuter helps but it sure as hell has not solved the problem of over population since 1974 when I went to work at the old shelter on Lomb as when Rodney Hale was director. I have heard spay neuter and it is great for that animal but what of all the others. Make it a crime to breed any animal for profit. It is rampant in our area.

Anne Speakman